Tuesday, June 12, 2012

37 Truths for 37 Years...

I turned 37 over the weekend...yippee...

As I sit and contemplate this fact; I begin to take stock in the many life lessons I have learned over those several years.  Being that I haven't blogged in oh, forever, I thought it would be appropriate to write these "truths" down and contribute to my sad little blog by actually posting something.  If you are an Objectivist, I apologize for using such offensive words as "truth"...if you have no idea what an Objectivist is...I hope you get something out of these random streams of consciousness from your's truly.  Enjoy!

Oh, I almost forgot...I am in no way claiming any of this as original thought by me.  Everything about me has been fed to me by inspiration, books, wise men and women, music, the arts, and (regrettably) the media.  If you see yourself in any of this, thanks for your influence on my life!

  1. College is not just about gaining knowledge:  It’s about growth!  Mind, body, spirit…if you’re not  growing in all three phases of your life you’re doing it wrong!
  2. If you don’t raise your children, you will end up raising theirs…bank on it!
  3. Honesty in word; integrity in action:  Tell the truth even when it hurts, model truth even when it’s ugly!
  4. It’s not always the question being asked; usually it’s the person asking the question that really matters!  Good questions cannot be separated from bad context.
  5. How you talk to me is equally as important as what you say to me…
  6. Marriage is hard!  Whoever says different is either single or has a spouse who gave up long ago.
  7. Your child’s behavior is your fault:  Deal with it.
  8. You have a hole inside you:  It is made to fit one thing…God.  Many people will cram anything they can in this hole, or pretend it doesn't exist.  Neither of these solutions will work.
  9. There are two things in this world ALL of us will have:  A birth and a death…we make such a big deal about them because we long for commonalities between us all.
  10. Leadership can be developed…Charisma…not so much.
  11. Common sense is too often an oxymoron.
  12. Most adults are not “responsible”.  Often they are overgrown kids with more money to lose, bigger things to break, and more important things to lie about (wow that sure sounds cynical).
  13. People who “get caught up in the details” have a hard time growing and innovating.  People who “forget about the details” have a hard time sustaining growth and innovation.  Find out what you do best (big picture, or details) and surround yourself with people who do the other one better than you.
  14. Who you are during a crisis is who you are…anyone can be a leader during the good times.
  15. Find a group of like-minded men/women outside of your family and invest into them.  Men with men and women with women.
  16. Men and women cannot be “best friends”.  The woman might think so, but every heterosexual guy (who is not kidding himself) knows this does not exist.
  17. Every rejection in my life has led me to something better.  It’s usually grander than my feeble mind could ever conjure up on its own.  I thank God for that…
  18. “…because that’s the way we’ve always done it” is not an appropriate answer to any question.
  19. The key to marriage is to find a spouse who is willing to give more than they take; and you in return, give them more than you take.  Good luck…
  20. FORGIVE:  Early and often…
  21. Knowing and understanding someone’s passions will help you go a long way in making a connection with them.
  22. Find something, outside of God, work, and family, and be passionate about it.  
  23. If you are not passionate about your work and your family, you’re doing it wrong.
  24. Emphasize your strengths and remove your weaknesses.
  25. Pay attention to personal detail:  A person’s wardrobe, office décor, personal photos, jewelry, habits, and discussion points will tell you a lot about them.
  26. Honestly seek knowledge for knowledge’s sake and you will eventually find wisdom.
  27. It’s okay to identify with things like your alma mater, profession, academic discipline, religious affiliation, ethnicity, gender, culture, sports, political affiliation, hobbies, passions, or even regional affinity…but don’t let them define you.
  28. Character is extremely difficult to develop, but very easily revealed.
  29. Perception is reality to most, and is often confused with truth.  This is a dangerous trap to fall into.
  30. Perception is far too often fed by ignorance and raised by close-mindedness.
  31. Perception can be changed by investing in God, people, reading and travel:  Make sure you invest in all four.
  32. Don’t take yourself too seriously…laugh at yourself before you laugh at others.
  33. Confidence should be a part of you but don’t let it take control.  Always remember there is someone smarter, faster, stronger and better looking than you.
  34. Compromise will take you far in life.  Compromising on your principals will take you far in the wrong direction.
  35. Don’t be afraid to make a decision and live with the possible consequences.  This is what separates leaders from followers.
  36. Celebrate accomplishments, mourn loss, forgive trespasses, love unconditionally, live fearlessly…sounds easy doesn’t it?
  37. LISTEN:  let others speak into your life often,  but always filter what is said with wisdom and discernment.