Friday, February 25, 2011

On Writer's Block

One reason I don't suffer Writer's Block is that I don't wait on the muse, I summon it at need.
Piers Anthony

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OK, so it's been a while...I know all 12 of you who read my blog have been waiting with baited breath for my next installment. Actually, 12 might be a gross exaggeration. I digress...what does a writer, I mean blogger, write, err blog, about when that ever so illusive muse is not showing up? Is it just me, or is writing about writer's block while experiencing a writer's block cheating? I think so...With that in mind, I apologize in advance for those of you who feel you are not getting your money's worth. Your check is in the mail.

Your muse can come in many shapes, forms and sizes. Traditionally, the muse is seen as a beautiful woman, keeping consistent with the origination of the concept from Greek mythology. But as often happens, this concept has been shaped and molded by several centuries of progressing civilization. Today, your muse may be a beautiful sunset, or even a heartbreaking situation or, quite possibly, an award winning British rock band! If your name is Charlie Sheen, its an all-night black tar heroin and everclear bender!

I truly feel Greek mythology has done all creative thinkers a huge disservice. Being able to blame your lack of creative thought on a non-existent being seems like a total cop out to me. Human beings are really good at finding an external locus to blame shortfalls on. The devil made me do it? Not so much...Your lack of self control and selfish tendencies probably had something to do with it, though!

As creative beings, inspiration is all around us but we are to ignorant to reach out and Latch on . I liken it to being castaway on a vast freshwater lake, and subsequently dying of know, water water everywhere, but not smart enough to drink? Should we blame our muse for having no inspiration? Is it really her fault for our lack of perception, understanding, and creativity? Can we really blame her for being deaf, blind and dumb?

GABE & GRAHAM: Don't wait for inspiration (AKA your muse) to show up on your doorstep, for she is a fickle mistress. You have to be an active partner in the relationship, or there will not be a relationship. Search her out, openly court her, and most importantly, recognize her when you meet. As with any kind of relationship, sometimes we grow apart and move along different paths . This will happen with your inspiration. And when it does, it's time to start the courtship all over again!