Thursday, June 17, 2010

How to write history...

Every new generation must rewrite history in its own way. - RG Collingwood

June 17th...An innocuous day for most I assume. If you google today, what you find is the most noteworthy events for the last few generations are The Watergate Break-in (in 1972) and the televised O.J. Simpson White Broncho low speed chase (in 1994)! Famous birthday's today are Patrick Duffy, James Brown, Barry Manilow and Venus Williams... Come on June 17th! Can't you do better than that...

Thankfully, for June 17th's sake, each day gets history rewritten every year. Who knows who will be born today. Or even , say, ten years ago. Tomorrow's history is today's snot nosed brat in the lunch line at Reagan Elementary choosing to eat the peanut butter surprise and not the Salisbury Steak. Who knows teachers... you just might be giving the president time out!

But that's the weird and wonderful thing about's a continuum that never ends. History will be made for somebody, somewhere today. Tomorrow could burn into our collective hearts like September 11th...Or it could be another June 17th. After all history is, first and foremost, about perspective.

June 17th may be innocuous to you, but 10 years ago today changed my life forever. Without June 17th, there would be no May 24th or December 29th. The path laid out for me veered in a different direction this day. A direction away from selfish living and pointless goals and towards selfless pursuits and purposeful passions. My beautiful boys are directly correlated to June the May 24th and December 29th birthdays attest. Today is the day my wife said "I do" to a lifetime of significant June 17ths. We rewrote history ten years ago today. As far as I'm concerned June 17th owes us a debt of gratitude...maybe instead of thinking about O.J. and Dick Nixon when today roles around; you will remember the excellent adventure that is our marriage that started a decade ago today!

God only knows how many more June 17ths are in store for our family. Not just our anniversary, but history making days in the life of our family. There will be joyous ones, and heartbreaking ones. That is for God to know and history to record. So today and forever, I choose to continue to pen my history with my wife as co-author! And for some reason she agrees! And that is truly what is weird and wonderful about history!

I love you Raynie! Happy Anniversary!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Kids and Dogs...

"Better to be driven out from among men than to be disliked of children."
Richard Henry Dana

If you don't like dogs and can't stand to be around children...chances are you and I aren't going to get along. Sure dogs shed, poop a lot, eat house slippers, chew up your remote and dig up expensive shrubbery, but come on! They're dogs! Haven't you seen Marley and Me? Sure kids shed clothing in every room of the house, poop a lot, eat EVERYTHING, hide the remote and dig up disgusting unmentionables, but come on! They're kids, people! Haven't you seen Little Miss Sunshine (Gotta love the cutie in that movie...)?

I admit, there is so much to not like with dogs and kids...hence the somewhat succinct listing above...but God naturally instills in all of us a little something that causes us to go gaga over babies and cry like babies when they shoot Old Yeller. IT'S CALLED A SOUL! As I get older, I have learned not all of us have one of these, unfortunately. Seems like Souls should be required for your humanity license. Kinda like no shoes, no shirt, no service...I Digress...

This is what I've figured out. If you don't like dogs or kids, you're soulless. Let me show you the direct correlation: God put dogs and kids on this Earth as a "soul detector". So whenever these "detectors" get around soulless people; they growl, whine, cry, bite, run, yelp, pee a little, cower behind mommy and get the picture. In other words, they go off to warn the rest of us who have souls but don't have the "souldar". It's like walking up to a vampire with a crucifix...not a great way to win friends and influence night walkers! To tie my ramblings into a nice neat bow...People who don't like dogs and kids get exposed for the soulless shells they are by the very thing they! This is deeper and more complicated than I thought!

Bottom line, if your boyfriend won't hold a baby and kicks your lab...time to give Neal Clark Warren a call!